Sayler Park Sustains

Celebrating community, stewardship, and sustainability locally
Saturday, June 10, 2023 Noon - 10pm FREE music all day, kids' stuff, vendors, raffles, local food and beer, and more!

Saturday, June 13, 2020 Noon - 10pm

FREE music all day, kids' stuff, vendors, raffles, local food and beer, and more!

Our Mission:

Sayler Park Sustains educates and empowers festival-goers to bring DIY sustainable practices into their daily lives. The festival was born out of  love for the neighborhood, and its unique agricultural heritage.


In an effort to foster neighborhood engagement, educate residents in sustainable and Earth-first practices, entertain with free music and activities for kids, and offer a dynamic experience with food trucks, local beer, local cocktails, vendors, and raffles, those who make Sayler Park Sustains happen work hard most of the year to offer something special for the area.

All of this happens in beautiful Nelson Sayler Memorial Park one day a year. Any monies raised go back into the community in order to fund the festival and green initiatives. 


Sayler Park Sustains benefits from your help!


Photography: Amanda Grimm, AG Photography

Musicians: The Tillers--Mike Oberst, Sean Geil, and Aaron Geil

Festival: Sayler Park Sustains, 2013